Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Three turns and mohawk help(:?

Accidentally gave KL a thumbs down instead of a thumbs up (SORRY!), but I agree with the answer. Make sure you bend your skating knee after you turn and work on getting your edges stable (ie, forward/backward inside/outside edges). You also might not be checking enough when coming out of the 3 turn which makes you rotate and forces you to put your free leg down. On the mohawk, it sounds like you have a problem with checking as well. Work on stabilizing your upper body so you can counter the rotation without the support of the wall. Keep your feet turned out and make sure you bend your knees. 3 turns and mohawks are done at both low and high speeds, but they're easier to control at low speeds when you're just learing them. If you don't have the technique down yet, you're most likely going to fall if you go into them at full speed.

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