Tuesday, August 2, 2011

How has my weight loss diet been for the last 3 days? {pretty bad, okay, good or awesome?}&& how can I improve?

you are not eating enough, even assuming you're a tiny teenage girl who doesnt exercise at all. your body needs at least 1200 calories a day to perform basic bodily functions. and remember, the international starving line is considered 1600 calories a day or less. so you are essentially starving yourself. you are also depriving yourself of necessary vitamins and minerals. i can tell that you are trying to eat lots of fruits and vegetables, but when you only eat 800 calories a day there is no way you can get a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals. you could take a vitamin, but there is no real evidence that your body absorbs a significant percentage of the pills. i would recommend increasing your caloric intake up to at least 1200 calories. anything less than 1200 calories for an extended period of time can actually cause brain damage. knowing the serious potential long term effects of eating less than 1600 calories from my schooling, i cant advise you to eat anything less than that. the starving line is at 1600 calories for a reason. if you are only planning on eating like this for a few weeks to lose a couple pounds then at least raise your daily calories 30-40 percent, eating under 1200 calories is dangerous and the extra pound you may lose isnt worth the risks.

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